Colorado’s Transgender Community Choir
Colorado’s Trans Community Choir and Arts Collective
Phoenix, Colorado’s Trans Community Choir was founded in September 2015 by Sam Bullington as a fully collaborative grassroots community of individuals who believe in the transformative potential of the arts for personal empowerment and societal change. Although many of its members are trans-identified, the choir is home for anyone who does not fit neatly into the gender binary, as well as all those touched by trans issues, including partners, parents, friends, and allies. The chorus is based in Lafayette, with singers from all over the Front Range, and performs frequently at community events.
Read all about us:
Join Us!
WHO: A choir for anyone who identifies along the trans spectrum + partners, family, friends, allies … anyone touched by transgender issues
WHAT: Singers (all levels of experience), musicians, poets, storytellers, visual artists, multimedia, cultural workers of all kinds are invited!
WHY: Exploring Community, Voice, Self, Activism, Creative Expression, and Fun!
WHEN: We rehearse every Thursdays from 6:30-8:00pm
WHERE: Boulder Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
1241 Ceres Dr, Lafayette, CO 80026
Questions? Contact us:
Facebook – ColoradoTransChoir